Monday, October 8, 2012

Oedipus the Opera vs the original text

While being in different formats, Oedipus the Opera version does fufill the expectations of the text. In fact it goes beyond text and creates several different layers to the characters. One thing that is very vibrant about Oedipus the opera is that there is a rock solid man constantly performing throughout the opera in the background. He gives the character of Oedipus depth by being the inner Oedipus. This character becomes an improvisation to the play and becomes someone whos actions speak louder than words. By the end of the play, once Oedipus's lineage is revealed, the inner Oedipus becomes naked, bare with the truth shining through the cracks of his costume. This was the true difference between the two because it creates depth and ulterior meaning to 2d words. Oedipus the text gives more detail to the story, and includes very deep and conflicting situations between Oedipus and his peers who change his character through the story. We are deprived of some interactions with minor characters in the Opera, and are immediately shifted to Jocasta's suicide and left with little interest of what we missed out on. The text is very long with flowery words, and does seem to draw a reader away from interest, this Opera uses the text in an artistic way to keep a viewer engaged. The text is revered for its' conflicting topic of incest and draws in interested readers, but the Opera is the one that successfully keeps viewers interested in the story line.

1 comment:

  1. I loved the first half of this. In fact, that was probably enough. The last half felt like you just wanted to pad some words...the fault you attributed to the play itself. But, again, I loved your focus on the "interior" Oedipus.
