Monday, October 1, 2012

Novel opening

The woman, dressed in black, holding the straps of her purse close to her heart waited patiently for the figure on the otherside of the bridge. It was broad daylight, her dress was dramatic and the heat beated on her delicate head as punishment. He wasn't coming. Maybe god had finally punished her for desecrating a blessed union, it didn't matter to her, the woman had plans of her own. The park's bridge was elaborately designed, hovering over a stream of water, a poor excuse for a gondala ride. It was deserted, the park had been empty and sand the color of ash flew constantly. The sound of a waterfountain distracted her, but there was none to be found. Chatter of geese and ducks kept her looking straight forward to her goal. Patiently waiting. He had become frightened of her request the day before, as she begged him to finally run away with her. She lingered on the expression he had given her that day, and realized that there was no man at the end of the bridge. Just a dream that had finally whithered away and had taken along her soul with. She walked twoards the metal bridge, and knew she couldn't drown. Though she wondered how sharp it would be from the bottom.  

1 comment:

  1. Love what you did with this assignment. What a dramatic beginning of what I can only presume will be a wonderful romance novel. I want to read the rest.
