Friday, September 21, 2012

Summary of The Book of Isaiah

The Book of Isaiah, is a section from the Bible detailing Isaiah's prophecies. The first half of the book discusses god informing readers about judgement day. It begins to mention the abuse the god has received from his jewish people. God speaks through Isaiah to the people of Judah and they are warned to change their ways and devote themselves to God or to face the consequences. Later it is written that Isaiah has made a prediction for the downfall of Judah and many different countries across the Middle East. Isaiah also mentions the punishment waiting for the people of Judah. These punishments and prophecies are very black and white in their descriptions. The second half of the book discusses prophecies regarding Israel and the birth of Christ. Isaiah predicts the existence of the Virgin Mary giving birth to Jesus, and briefly mentions the importance of Jesus in the future. Also included is the rewards God is offering to people who wholly devote themselves to him. By the end of the book, Isaiah has mentioned the state of Israel after Jesus's birth and ends the book saying that all the believers will rise amongst the rebels. Isaiah's book has made predictions that have occurred and ones that have yet to occur, The Book of Isaiah is constantly referred back to by scholars both religious and secular in regards to predictions and events that occur even today.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Ethereal Experiences

"Mr.Shiver, in the river, you were sold, you were told"

I have Glassjaw stuck in my head, it's as if clearing ones thoughts just leads them to songs they have on repeat mentally. I just want to go into a river, and a little part of me just wants to immerse myself into Daryl Palumbo's voice. A voice with so much impact, memorable at best.

We've been sitting by the's gorgeous. I just want to jump off the rocks next to us, into the sea. Our conversation keeps me rooted, makes sure I do not drift away along with the purpose of being there. We're talking about fame, I want to become famous...don't we all?

I'm just talking, "Talk, Talk, Talk to make amends for the dead!" I have another song stuck in my head.
My leggings have found themselves buried beneath rubble, and sharp objects. I'm just going to get looks when I get home... They keep me ingrained into the conversation, keep my soul inside my body...i'm afraid to drift off into the astral plane with all this beauty.

I'm at peace, life is beautiful, and a little part of me wants to die like this because i'll have a beautiful memory; three friends sitting by the sea in a park unfamiliar to me. The water is so full of life, it is sparkling so vividly...imprinted into my memory. I wish my soul would sparkle like that, illuminating everything around it and inside of it. What a nice place to be.